Extracción de piedra, arena y arcilla
Productos y servicios
Extracción de piedra.
Extracción de piedra ornamental y para la construcción, piedra caliza, yeso, creta y pizarra
Confección de otras prendas de vestir exteriores
Extracción de piedra ornamental y para la construcción, piedra caliza, yeso, creta y pizarra
Extracción de gravas y arenas; extracción de arcilla y caolín
Quarrying of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate
Manufacture of other outerwear
The company is engaged in the extraction of petroleum and natural gas and other related activities. The company was incorporated in the year 1975. Its registered business office is based in Alhendin, Spain. It is registered as a joint stock company. The company's business activities include the production of oil and natural gas through the mining and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands and the production of gas and hydrocarbon liquids through gasification, liquid faction, and pyrolysis of coal at the mine site.